I have discovered the true amazing power of our energy centers or Chakras only in the past few years of my spiritual path, more so, when I got into spiritual healing of both myself and others. I discovered that these energy centers hold some pretty amazing information, that can change the way our bodies deal with disease or dis ease.
I have felt energy in the chakras through using a pendulum or even just using my hands and have seen and felt blockages in the body, both from illness and negative feelings in the chakras.
The following 7 Chakras store the following information:
The Root Chakra which is at the base of the spine is Red in Colour. The definition is: I AM. If you have a blockage here it can mean; you are having issues with money, safety, shelter survival.
The Sacral Chakra which is in the reproductive area is Orange in colour. The definition is: I FEEL. If you have a blockage here it can mean; there can be issues around your sexual desire, emotions & creativity.
The Solar Plexis Chakra is located just below the ribs and is yellow in colour. The definition is: I DO. If you have a blockage here it can mean; there can be an issue with self esteem, power, will power, confidence.
The Heart Chakra is located in your heart area and is Green in colour. The definition is: I LOVE. If you have a blockage in this area it can be related with unconditional love both receiving and giving, relationship issues, self love and compassion. It is also the link between your mind and body and soul.
The Throat Chakra is located in your throat area and is Blue in colour. The definition is: I SPEAK. If you have a blockage in this area there can be issues with you speaking your mind, communication.
The Third Eye Chakra is located in the middle of your forehead and is Indigo in colour. The definition is: I SEE. If you are an intuitive this chakra is a very powerful chakra and if this is blocked, your psychic ability or intuition will be affected.
The Crown Chakra is located at the top of your head and is Violet in colour. The definition is: I KNOW. This chakra is the connection between wisdom and spiritual insight, so if a Intuitive is having issues not receiving the correct information from the Universe then this chakra is blocked.
You may ask, what is the solution to these chakras if they are blocked or out of alignment there are a few options:
Chakra clearing through meditation
Chakra clearing through a hands on approach through different healing modalities.
If I suspect one of my clients have chakras out of alignment or blocked, I have cleared them after a reading, if it affecting their lives.
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